
4 Common Electrical Problems Homeowners Experience


Around 30,000 non-fatal electrical shock incidents occur in the U.S. each year. Some even cause injuries severe enough to land people in burn units.

That should tell you how it’s much safer to leave common electrical problems in the hands of pros.

So then, what electrical issues are you likely to experience at home, and when do you need to call an electrician?

This guide answers all those questions, so keep reading, as you don’t want to put your safety at risk.

1. Flickering Lights

If only a single light bulb flickers, it’s either loose or nearing the end of its service life. Try screwing it more securely or replacing it with a new one to see if that resolves the problem.

If multiple bulbs flicker simultaneously, it may indicate loose wires or electrical connections. Such problems are more common among aging electrical systems.

Another possible culprit is an electrical overload. That can happen if you demand electricity that exceeds a circuit’s rating. An example is if you connect too many appliances to a single network.

Hiring an electrician is your safest bet if you’re dealing with an old system or a circuit overload. That’s because they can lead to devastating home electrical fires. Unfortunately, they occur frequently, accounting for about 51,000 fires in the U.S. every year.

2. Hot Outlets and Switches

Outlets and switches can sometimes get warm, but they should never feel as if they’re burning. If they feel too hot to the touch, there could be loose terminals or faulty wires inside them.

Ring up an electrician to inspect your outlets and switches as soon as possible. Otherwise, it won’t be long before all that extra heat causes them to fail or even burn.

3. Frequently Tripping Breakers

Do you get mini blackouts at home whenever you switch on a motor-operated appliance?

If so, you likely have an older circuit breaker panel with a lower electrical load capacity. Unless you upgrade it, your circuit breakers will keep tripping. You can visit Sunelectrician.com to learn more about your panel upgrade options.

4. Electrical Panel Makes Weird Noises

It’s okay to hear a faint humming sound from your main service panel. It might even be inaudible unless it’s dead quiet at home.

What isn’t normal is if your panel produces a loud buzzing, crackling, or hissing noise. Such sounds often indicate overloaded or short circuits. They may also arise from defective circuit breakers or ground faults.

Those sounds come from live electricity, so please don’t touch a noisy panel with your bare hands. Otherwise, you might get electrocuted.

Calling an electrician should be your first course of action in such situations. That’s because your panel likely needs electrical repairs or wiring upgrades. Both jobs, in turn, require the expertise of a professional.

Get These Electrical Problems Fixed ASAP

As you can see, most common electrical problems warrant a call to a licensed electrician. So if your issue has to do with more than a single flickering light bulb, it’s in your best interest to call a pro. With the help of a professional, you can reduce the risks of electrical hazards at home.

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