
4 Ways to Spot the Right Organic Clothes for Babies


The base materials of the textiles, primarily raised as per the jurisdictional agricultural practices, are known as organic clothing; usually, they are grown with comparatively lesser chemicals for nourishment.

The organic clothing certification indicates the authenticity of the clothing material. Organic clothing material is generally available in wool, jute, linen, cotton, and ramie. The clothing label should usually indicate the percentage of organic clothing; the percentage varies in almost every country.

The preparation of organic clothes primarily involves pure organic farming and integrated organic farming. The most famous principles of organic agriculture include care, health, fairness, and ecology.

Contributing to the growing awareness of sustainable fashion, the organic clothes market is predicted to grow fast at 18.4 per cent CAGR shortly. Organically grown cloth materials have better health benefits. Affordable organic baby clothes and organic maternity clothes are on the rise now.

Signs of Baby-Friendly Organic Clothing

Beyond Marketing

Brands are focusing on marketing their products as environmentally friendly due to the growing awareness of environmental health and global concerns among consumers. That is why it is common to see tags indicating organic farming. Thus, it is essential to research the brand’s general ethical practices regarding organic agriculture.

As a general rule, the mere mention of tags such as “sustainable” and “green” are known as “green-washing”. Authentic brands obtain government approval; such authorisation is usually available along with the brand information tags.

International Recognition

Numerous international certifications lay the requirements of socially responsible manufacturing practices. The presence of such a certificate indicates a high percentage of organic cotton in affordable organic baby clothes. This includes clothes, yarns, fabrics, and home textiles. Since the initial launch of the various certification programs in recent years, the percentage of organic material is changing; currently, many certifications have the requirement of over 70 per cent. The widely accredited certification programs have recognition in over the majority of the countries.

Few certifications authorize and indicate that the baby clothes have been through adequate inspections on the contamination risks.

Price Factor

Usually, affordable organic baby clothes prices are slightly higher than the other cotton variety baby clothes for reasons such as careful agricultural practices and rigorous manufacturing processes to avoid contamination. Checking for reviews on the business website and word-of-mouth reviews is a good practice.

Reasons to Buy Organic Baby Clothes


Affordable organic baby clothes have very little to zero harsh chemicals, and thus the babies can wear the cloth for long hours with zero issues of allergies or rashes. Further, the materials are usually breathable and therefore have zero suffocation stress.

Supporting Farmers

Organic baby clothes are one of the most significant ways to contribute towards farmers and farming. When organic farming becomes widespread, the farmers can easily switch to organic farming methods; reducing pesticides and toxic chemicals exposure ensures better health benefits for the farmers.

Environmental Concerns

Carbon footprint is one of the growing global concerns. Organic farming is one of the environmentally friendly methods that reduce the stress on the earth. The farming method lets the ground breathe comfortably; because the farmers can efficiently involve in practices such as detoxification of land, crop rotation, and comparatively lesser usage of fungicides.

Organic clothes are an excellent method to choose sustainable fashion. They help select skin-friendly clothes and support farming practices too. They can be spotted via their authorization tags and reasonable price limits.

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