
5 Teeth Straightening Options for You to Consider


Did you know that more and more adults seek teeth straightening help these days?

While most braces patients used to be children and teens, people are starting the realize that teeth straightening isn’t only about aesthetics. It also benefits a person’s overall health and self-esteem, no matter their age.

Would you like to know how to straighten your teeth? If so, read about five different teeth straightening options below.

Metal Braces

Traditional braces use brackets, wires, and elastic bands to shift teeth into the correct position. Every few weeks, patients with metal braces must visit their orthodontist, who tightens the wires to keep pressure on their teeth.

Metal braces tend to be one of the most affordable orthodontics and work relatively quickly, even with severe alignment issues. Patients also have the option of customizing the color of their bands.

Ceramic Braces

Ceramic braces use tooth-colored brackets, thin wires, and transparent bands. They function similarly to metal braces, yet ceramic braces are less noticeable and blend in with the patient’s teeth.

Ceramics braces are often more expensive than metal ones but still lead to speedy treatment times. If you are concerned about your appearance, they are a great option.

Lingual Braces

Lingual braces are another discreet option for patients who don’t want visible braces. They go behind the teeth instead of in front, so no one can see them when you smile or speak.

The downside to lingual braces is that they are more bothersome to clean than regular braces. Food tends to get trapped in them, and they may even cut your tongue as you get used to them.

Your dentist will tell you if you are a good fit for lingual braces since they can’t fix all alignment problems.

Damon Braces

Slightly more expensive than traditional braces, Damon braces use self-litigating brackets. These replace elastic bands since they have a sliding mechanism that holds the wires into place.

The main benefits of Damon Braces are faster treatment times and shorter office visits. They are also less noticeable than traditional braces since they don’t require bands.


Invisalign is one of the most popular treatment methods since it uses clear aligners. There are no wires or metal components, although some people need attachments placed on their teeth to encourage movement.

Patients must visit the dentist periodically, although most of their treatment happens at home. They can switch their trays as instructed, and as they do, their teeth gradually move into place.

If you choose to get this treatment, you’ll need to pay attention to Invisalign aligner care. Clean them daily and remove them when you eat or drink colored or flavored beverages.

Which Teeth Straightening Method Will You Choose?

Your alignment issues are unique, so it is best to consult an orthodontist for help with teeth straightening. They’ll use their expertise to develop a treatment plan that meets your needs and fits your lifestyle.

Do you want to improve your dental health? Then, check out more of our articles, including those about oral health!

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