
6 Common Laundry Mistakes and How to Avoid Them


The average American household does 350 to 400 loads of laundry every year.

Doing laundry entails more than simply throwing clothes into the washer and pulling them out once they’re clean. It needs proper prep work, measuring detergent, and clean-up.

Common laundry mistakes can damage your clothing and impact the washer’s effectiveness if you’re not cautious.

Here are six common laundry mistakes and how to avoid them to ensure you’re doing everything right.

  1. Failure to Sort Your Clothes According to Color

Washing clothes in a load that has mixed colors can cause dye transfer and even ruin them. This happens when lighter and darker colored clothes are rubbed against each other in the washing machine.

The chemicals from one cloth seep into another, making your white clothes to turn gray. Always sort clothes according to color before putting them into the washing machine.

  1. Using Too Much Detergent

Putting too much laundry detergent into the washing machine will go to waste as it fails to dissolve completely. Undissolved soap residue will also be left on your clothes, leaving them untidy.

To prevent wastage, use the lavender laundry detergent as suggested on the package.

  1. Failure to Unbutton Shirts

Button-down shirts need to be left unbuttoned during the wash. This helps protect them against tears in the buttonholes and guards the button threads from being loosened.

A Zip-up garment has jagged teeth that may snag other clothes in the washer and dryer. To avert damage to other fabrics, close up all zippers before washing. You also need to fasten clips on bras and other clothes to avoid snags.

  1. Using Too Much Fabric Softener or Bleach

The use of too much fabric softener or bleach can lead to ruined garments, and this is something everyone should try to avoid. People think using more of a product will give better results and get rid of stains. Remember that bleach and fabric softeners are strong chemicals that can damage clothes when used in excess amounts.

  1. Not Washing Embellished Clothes Inside Out

Embellishments and embroidery easily become damaged and snagged when rubbing against other clothes. This results in tear, snag and fall off.

The best way to avoid this is to wash these types of clothes inside out. This helps prevent exposure of embellishments to other fabrics during the wash cycle.

  1. Failure to Check Garment Labels Before Laundering

Each cloth brand has different washing instructions. Various labels require extra care, and failure to read the label can lead to shrinkage or damage to your clothes.

The label directs you on how to treat stains, set laundry water temperature during the wash, and how to take care of your clothes.

Avoid These Common Laundry Mistakes

Avoid the above-listed common laundry mistakes, and you will dodge becoming frustrated and using much time on your laundry. Knowing what to do makes the whole process easy and helps to maintain your clothes in the best condition.

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