
Aftermarket Car Parts vs. OEM: Which Is Better?


The average American spends about $400 per year making repairs to their vehicle. And a large portion of that price is tied directly to the vehicle parts that are used to carry out repairs.

When you go to buy new parts for your car, you should know that you’ll have two options. You can buy OEM parts for your car or buy aftermarket car parts for it.

So, which new parts should you go with in the end? That’s what we’re going to discuss today. Our goal is to give you a much better indication of which kinds of new parts you should purchase for your vehicle.

There are pros and cons that come along with both OEM parts and aftermarket car parts. You should take the time to learn about them before making a final decision.

Find out more about OEM parts vs. aftermarket car parts below.

What Are OEM Car Parts?

The OEM in OEM parts stands for “original equipment manufacturer.” OEM parts are the parts that are specifically made by a company to go into a brand-new car.

As a result, you’re going to be putting the parts that were originally installed in your car when buy OEM parts for it while doing car repairs. You’re not going to be buying aftermarket car parts from a third-party company for your vehicle.

More often than not, you’re going to find that car dealerships will use OEM parts while performing car repairs. But there are also some independent shops that will use OEM parts over aftermarket parts as well.

The Pros of OEM Car Parts

There are a lot of people who like the sound of using OEM parts in their cars. They’re able to sleep better at night knowing that high-quality parts are being used to pull off a car repair.

People also like knowing that OEM parts are going to be super durable from the moment they’re first used in a car. These parts are, after all, the parts that a car manufacturer chose to use in the beginning. It illustrates just how much confidence that they have in these parts.

The Cons of OEM Car Parts

While installing OEM car parts in your vehicle is a great idea for many people, there are some disadvantages to doing it. The biggest disadvantage is that OEM parts are going to cost more than aftermarket car parts in almost all cases.

OEM parts can also be a whole lot more difficult to find than aftermarket car parts. Since there is just one company producing OEM parts for your specific car, you’re going to be out of luck if they don’t have enough of the parts that you need to go around.

This is usually when people begin kicking the tires on the idea of trying to buy aftermarket car parts. They’re more open to it after seeing how easy they are to obtain.

What Are Aftermarket Car Parts?

Unlike OEM parts, aftermarket car parts are not going to be exactly the same as the parts that were first put into your car when it was created. They’re going to look and feel slightly different because they’re not going to be made by the same company.

There are typically a handful of different companies that will make the same kinds of aftermarket car parts. These parts are also preferred by independent shops. They’re also sold in stores like Left Hand Garage.

The Pros of Aftermarket Car Parts

If you can afford to buy OEM parts and if you’re able to find them, they’re not a bad option. But there are so many great benefits that will come with using aftermarket car parts.

Aftermarket car parts are, first and foremost, less expensive than their OEM counterparts. You can usually get them for just a fraction of what OEM parts will cost.

Aftermarket car parts are also very easy to find when you need them. Your shop shouldn’t have too much trouble at all tracking them down.

And on top of all that, aftermarket car parts are often just as durable and reliable as OEM parts are. You aren’t going to have to lose any sleep over using these parts in your car to make repairs.

The Cons of Aftermarket Car Parts

Using aftermarket car parts in your vehicle makes all the sense in the world for a lot of people. But there are a few drawbacks that you should have on your radar.

Since aftermarket car parts are made by a wide range of third-party companies, you’re going to have to go above and beyond to learn about these companies before trusting one. You don’t want to allow the wrong company to sell you parts and pay the price for it later.

You’re also going to need to make sure that you take your car in for repairs at the right place to have them put aftermarket car parts into it. If you go to a dealership, they’re going to balk at the idea of using aftermarket car parts even if you plead with them to do it.

You’ll need to establish a relationship with an independent shop that values using aftermarket car parts. It’s the only way you’ll be able to get your hands on them for your vehicle.

OEM Parts vs. Aftermarket Car Parts: Which One Should You Go With?

As you’ve seen here, there are many pros and cons associated with both OEM parts and aftermarket car parts. It’s going to be your job to sift through them to see which option will work best for you.

We would almost always recommend considering aftermarket car parts before going in the OEM direction. It’s going to save you so much money and make it easier for you to secure the parts that you’ll need to get your car up and running like normal again.

Want to get more useful car repair tips and tricks? Find them by reading through the other auto articles that we’ve added to our blog.

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