
Ways to Remember Loved Ones When They’re Gone


Losing a loved one is never easy. The loss can be devastating, especially if it is someone that you were particularly close with.

How will you remember them? What can you do to keep their spirit alive when they’re gone? We know our loved ones are never truly gone when we can revisit them through our memories.

Keep reading to learn different ways to remember loved ones to help you find comfort and peace.

Cook Their Favorite Food

Food is one of the most common ways to connect with someone, and this is just as true when it is someone that has passed. Consider making your loved one’s favorite recipe or eating their favorite dessert.

This will provide you with a connection to them and will also give you a good excuse to talk about them to family and friends.

While eating their favorite food, tell stories about them, or simply think about a good memory you have with them. You’ll bring memories of them to life, which is priceless.

Celebrate Their Birthday

The first birthday after a loved one has passed can be a difficult time to get through. Yet, it can also be a wonderful time to celebrate and honor them.

Every year, set aside a bit of time to think about your loved one. Consider how they positively impacted your life and how much love and wisdom they gave you.

You don’t have to throw a party to celebrate. Just taking a few moments each year to dedicate to them is a lovely way to honor someone’s memory.

Watch Videos and Read Letters

If you have videos of your loved one or letters they wrote, revisiting these from time to time can remind you of their spirit.

You’ll probably view them more frequently when they first pass, but it can be a good way to remember them as the years pass, too.

This is something you could do every year on their birthday or even every few years. It’s also an excellent way to introduce someone to them that never got to meet them, such as your children or grandchildren.

Create a Memorial

Creating a memorial in memory of your loved one can be very therapeutic while helping to honor their legacy. You can create a memory box or a video that contains things that remind you of them, which you can then revisit from time to time.

When a loved one passes, getting commemorate urns is a lovely way to honor them, too. Consider investing in one that will pay tribute to who they were in life.

Consider These Ways to Remember Loved Ones

There are many different ways to remember loved ones, and this list is just the beginning. No way is wrong or better than the next; just do what works for you and your family.

Remember, grief is not something that suddenly disappears, nor is the memories you have of your loved one. Be gentle with yourself, and celebrate their memory in whatever way you see fit.

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