
Foods to Avoid With Trulicity


Did you know that 37.3 million people in the United States have diabetes? If you struggle with type 2 diabetes, then you might have heard of the medication known as Trulicity.

When taken properly, Trulicity can help reduce diabetic risks and even cause weight loss.

But, there are generally some recommended foods to avoid with Trulicity. So, what are they? And how do you get the medication?

If you want to learn the answer to these questions and more, then you’re in the right place. In this guide, we’ll teach you everything you need to know about Trulicity for diabetes.

What Is Trulicity?

Before we begin it’s important to first understand what Trulicity is. Trulicity is a type of medication that’s given specifically to people with type 2 diabetes. It’s a non-insulin drug that’s injected.

The medication can improve the blood sugar levels of patients and reduce the likelihood of a serious cardiovascular event. This includes things like:

  • Nonfatal stroke
  • Nonfatal heart attack
  • Cardiovascular death

It can also help with weight loss. Now, there are a lot of glucose-reducing drugs out there. Sadly, a lot of them come with the drawback of causing hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar levels.

Luckily, Trulicity isn’t known to do this. That being said, to be effective, Trulicity needs to be combined with a proper diet and exercise routine.

How Does Trulicity Work?

Trulicity is a GLP-1 drug that mimics the hormones known as incretin that your body produces naturally. What do incretin hormones do?

They send signals to your brain, gastrointestinal and endocrine systems telling them that you’re full of food. These hormones cause a cascading effect that eventually provides you with the feeling of fullness.

Once your body reaches this sensation, then it slows down the rate at which food leaves your stomach. In addition to this Trulicity also works by improving glycemic control.

This has the effect of reducing glucagon secretion from the liver. It also naturally stimulates the production of insulin in the body. However, remember that Trulicity is only as effective as your lifestyle.

If you combine it with a good diet and exercise routine, then you have the best chance of it being effective.

Trulicity Side Effects

There are minor Trulicity side effects that you should be aware of. One of the most common ones is the sensation of feeling full. It’s like the feeling of overeating without actually eating.

Another common side effect is fatigue. Some people report feeling constantly tired on the medication.

If you’re having trouble getting out of bed and staying awake, then you might want to consider a different solution. On top of these two side effects, you may also experience:

  • Indigestion
  • Stomach pain
  • Bloating
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Indigestion

Some serious side effects can come with Trulciity, though they’re rare. These include thyroid cancer, pancreatic cancer, pancreatitis, and severe allergic reactions.

Foods to Avoid With Trulicity

Certain foods can inhibit the effects of Trulicity or make them worse. There’s nothing wrong with eating these foods now and then on your diet.

But, if you’re serious about losing weight, controlling your blood sugar level, and reducing side effects, then you should consider cutting them out of your diet. Let’s start with sweetened beverages, which include things like soda and juice.

The fructose and carbs found in these products create insulin resistance. This can affect your metabolic rate which leads to higher cholesterol, worse heart health, and weight gain.

You should also limit your intake of processed foods. This includes things like:

  • White foods (white bread, pasta, and white rice)
  • Sweetened breakfast cereals
  • Cookies
  • Packaged snacks and chips
  • Fried food
  • Baked food
  • Full-fat dairy products (ice cream and cream cheese)

These types of foods tend to be high in sugar, salt, bad cholesterol, and low in protein.

You should also try to cut out alcohol from your diet if you can. Alcohol can greatly alter the levels of your blood sugar. This can cause you to switch rapidly between high and low blood sugar.

Finally, cut tobacco smoking from your diet. Besides the variety of health problems that cigarettes cause, they also raise your blood sugar levels and cause insulin resistance.

Getting rid of all of these foods can be a challenge. But, if you actively try to reduce them in your diet, then you have the best chance of maximizing the benefits of Trulicity.

How to Get Trulicity

To get Trulicity, you will need to have it prescribed by a board-certified doctor. The good news is that this is easier to do than ever before.

If you have a general practitioner that you visit, then you can go to them for diabetes medicine and request Trulicity.

But, if it’s easier, then you can have Trulicity prescribed online through a medical evaluation. If your doctor believes Trulicity is the right choice for you, then they’ll suggest the best dosage and walk you through how to take it.

Once you get a prescription order, then you can take it to your in-person pharmacy.

There are also many online pharmacies that you can learn more about here. These are more convenient and they can usually save you a lot of money.

Appreciate Learning About Trulicity? Keep Reading

We hope this guide helped you learn more about foods to avoid with Trulicity. It’s important to note that there are no foods that you need to avoid when taking the medication.

That being said, avoiding certain types of foods can make them more effective and reduce the side effects. You may benefit from changing your diet.

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