
A Basic Guide on the Common Types of Websites


When you first start a blog, it can be hard to know where your audience might be looking for information. With so many different websites available, figuring out the right way to layout your content can be daunting.

However, once you break down and understand how a variety of websites are structured, it becomes easier to plan yours out. Read on as we go over some of the most common types of websites and how to plan them out for your blog.

Basic Blog

This is a blog type that many people begin with. While it’s a great way to start, it may not be the best type of website for your own business.

A blog is simply a series of articles typically written about a specific topic and accompanied by images, videos, or other content. You can write about anything, and there is a large amount of content available online about almost any topic.

Therefore, it’s essential to choose a topic that your target audience is interested in and provides value for them.

News Website

As the name suggests, a news website focuses on reporting breaking news, upcoming events, and other stories of interest to readers. However, many websites are primarily focused on producing quality content that is interesting to read, regardless of whether they are breaking news stories.

The typical format for a news website is to have a main section where you write about your chosen topic. You can also include other sections, such as an opinion section or an educational section.

eCommerce Site

An eCommerce website is a type of website that sells products. As the name suggests, this type of website is typically focused on selling physical products, but many websites sell digital products.

When creating an eCommerce website, you can choose to have one website with a few different pages, such as an about us page, a products page, a purchase page, and so on. If you’re still searching for the right small business website idea, reach out to a reputable web agency like the one at for help with building a website.

Knowledge Base or FAQ Website

A knowledge base or FAQ website is a type of website where you create FAQ topics for your blog. An FAQ topic typically has one question and one or two answers, so it’s an excellent option for providing answers to questions that your customers or readers may have.

You can create FAQ topics on your blog by finding questions or topics in your target audience’s minds and answering them on your blog.

Different Types of Websites to Consider

With the rise of the internet and social media, it’s become much easier to start a blog. However, it can also be challenging if you don’t know where to begin.

From an FAQ website to an eCommerce site, there are several types of websites to choose from. Monitor website trends and website prices along the way, but don’t forget to check out our other posts for more on similar topics.

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