
Brain supplements for adults


Many vitamins and fatty acids claim to be really useful to protect your brain health or your memory. It’s a long list of vitamins that help your brain to enhance its memory like vitamin B12, herbal supplements like ginkgo biloba or omega-3 fatty acids. Though we don’t have proper evidence that these supplements are potential for boosting your memory. Here are some vitamins that may help.

Vitamin B-12

Scientists have been researching for a very long time the relations between low levels of B-12 and memory loss, though there is no evidence that high intake of B-12 has positive effects. Deficiency of B-12 is very common with people who have stomach issues or people who are strict vegetarians. The deficiency of vitamin B-12 increases with age. This is because of low levels of stomach acid as your age increases. You should get your B-12 naturally from foods like fish or poultry. Some cereals are also a good source of B-12 for vegetarians. But people who are of more age would not be able to get their B-12 from food because of low levels of stomach acids so they can use supplements instead.


You should not take caffeine pills or powders because they have a high risk of overdose. But you can have a cup of coffee as long as it does not affect your sleep. Caffeine helps you to level up your energy by blocking your brain receptors. So caffeine is a good idea to enhance your memory but you should not overdose it.

Vitamin E

There is some evidence that vitamin E helps to enhance your memory in older people. It is also said that high amounts of vitamin E can help to cure Alzheimer. But always your first priority should be to get your vitamins from food instead of supplements. But you can take vitamin E supplements after consulting your doctor. But you should intake a high amount of vitamin E supplement because it increases risk of prostate cancer.


Omega-3 supplements have many uses and one its use is also to enhance your brain. The

an accustomed Mediterranean diet, which includes omega 3-rich-fish, is linked to a lower risk of dementia. Omega-3 supplements also help to lower risk of Alzheimers.


Ginseng is often used along with ginkgo which is also a very useful supplement for your brain. Some scientists say that ginseng is a potent brain booster. But there is no strong evidence that ginseng will surely help you to protect your mental skills.

Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo biloba is a staple in Chinese traditional medicine, but modern research says that it might not be useful to protect your memory but some researchers also say that there might be some benefits.

Other Best ways to help your memory

For both young and elderly people, it’s really important to get dietary vitamins from the food you eat. Best brain supplement can fill in the gaps but check with your doctor before you go over the recommended daily intake. No matter what your age is, the best way to improve your memory is to eat well and exercise your body and brain. Having a strong support system and being engaged in your local community have been suggested as ways to delay or prevent dementia. Establishing healthy sleeping habits can also protect your brain.


You can improve your brain health by being more careful of foods and habits that have been shown to damage it. Fried food leads to cardiovascular system damage which affects the proper function of the brain. Many studies say that regular physical exercise helps to activate brain cells in ways which other hobbies don’t and this can surely help you to improve your memory.

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