
Frugal Living: Furnishing Your Apartment on a Small Budget


The median salary for full-time workers in the US is $51,168 per year. Of course, for a variety of different reasons, many Americans live on far less.

Whether you’re living frugally by choice or by circumstance, you have some unique challenges to overcome. One example is furnishing an apartment, which can be a real challenge when you’re living on a small budget.

However, frugal living doesn’t have to mean sacrificing comfort or convenience. Here are five expert tips to help you furnish on a budget.

Evaluate Your Needs

As you create a realistic budget, consider factors such as:

  • Is this a short-term or long-term apartment?
  • Do you need a dedicated space to work from home?
  • Will you keep the furniture for a while, or do you just need temporary furnishings?

The answers to these questions will help you decide where to spend your money (and where you can cut corners).

For example, you’ll need a good-quality office chair if you work from home, but you may be fine with a cheaper dining table and chairs. If you have a bad back, you may need to spend more on a new mattress, but you might be able to save on an older couch.

Consider Renting Apartment Furniture

Did you know you can rent furniture for short-term use?

In big cities like Los Angeles, which is the second largest in the US, many transients rent their furniture rather than buy it. This is especially true of military personnel, college students, and workers on short-term assignments.

If you fall into any of these categories, consider renting your furniture rather than making a long-term investment.

Visit Garage Sales & Flea Markets

You can save a small fortune by buying apartment furniture secondhand. Often you can find pieces in good condition for a fraction of what they would cost new.

Spend some Saturday mornings driving around your area looking for yard sales. If there’s a weekly flea market, this can be another gold mine for cheap furnishings and other items for frugal living.

Check in With Local Friends & Family

Let your friends, family, and colleagues in the area know that you’re moving. You’ll be amazed by the offers that might come your way.

At the very least, it opens the door for you to ask if they have any furniture they aren’t currently using. They might have a spare mattress or couch sitting in a storage unit that they’d be happy to let you use for a while.

You won’t know until you ask, so don’t be shy!

Look for Online Bargains

The internet is an endless resource for anyone living on a small budget. Go online and scout the likes of eBay, Craigslist, and Facebook Marketplace.

You’ll find great deals for cheap (or even free) furniture and household goods. You might also get invaluable ideas on upcycling and repurposing common items.

Achieve Your Frugal Living Goals

Furnishing an apartment on a small budget may feel overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. Use the frugal living tips above to find great apartment furniture that won’t break the bank.

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