
Home Energy-Efficient Sources That’ll Save You Money


Did you know that energy costs in the United States jumped by 29% in 2021 from 2020? As a result, it remained the primary driver of US inflation that year.

Those figures should be enough to prompt you to make your home energy-efficient. The more efficient it is, the less electricity it consumes, and thus, the lower your utility bills.

This guide lists the top home efficiency improvements you can make, so keep reading.

Light-Emitting Diode (LED) Bulbs

LED bulbs are the most energy-efficient home lighting products in the market today. That’s because they convert 90% of the energy that flows into them into actual light. In contrast, their incandescent counterparts convert only 10% of energy into light.

What’s more, LED bulbs have an average rated lifespan of 25,000 hours. That translates to about three years of useful life with frequent, heavy use. So, you can expect them to last even longer if you don’t use them all the time (or turn them off when not in use).

Solar Energy

Renewables, including wind and solar power, are now cheaper than coal and gas. Indeed, they were the world’s least-expensive energy sources in 2020. Solar power is more accessible than wind, though, since everyone gets a bit of sun every day.

So how is solar worth it, and why is switching to it one of the best sustainable home improvements you can make?

A solar energy system is worth every penny because it can create energy as long as the sun shines. It also has a low carbon footprint and doesn’t emit pollutants as it produces power. Plus, you don’t have to pay for the electricity it generates, helping lower utility bills.

Solar Window Films

Heat gain is when untreated windows allow solar radiation (the sun’s heat) to enter your home. By contrast, heat loss is when they transmit heat from inside your home to the outdoors. Both are massive energy wasters, as they account for 25% to 30% of your home’s heating and cooling energy use.

Solar window films make for eco-friendly home upgrades as they can cut heat gains and losses. In doing so, they help decrease your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning loads. As a result, your HVAC system can heat and cool your home faster and more efficiently.

Besides, films cost less than new windows, which can set you back hundreds of dollars apiece.

Smart Thermostat

Turn your HVAC thermostat setting back 7° to 10°F for 8 hours a day, and you can save up to 10% on your heating and cooling bills. That can mean hundreds of dollars in savings, depending on how much you pay to heat or cool your home. Moreover, it lets you build a more energy-efficient home, as it cuts energy consumption.

Manually adjusting your thermostat every day can get quite tedious, though. The good news is that you don’t have to, as you can pass on that work to a smart thermostat.

With an intelligent thermostat, you can create pre-set schedules for thermostat adjustments. It also gives you remote or Wi-Fi control access to your HVAC system with a mobile app. As long as you have an internet connection, you can further tweak your HVAC settings.

Get These Home Energy-Efficient Upgrades Now

As you can see, you have many options to make your home energy-efficient, from LED bulbs to solar power. Don’t forget that window films and smart thermostats can also cut your utility bills.

So, as early as today, consider investing in these upgrades. The sooner you do, the sooner you can trim your energy costs and carbon footprint.

Are you ready for more home ideas and money-saving tips? Then feel free to check out the rest of our blog now!

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