
How to Choose the Right Laser Skin Rejuvenation Treatments


Did you know that 62% of Americans use anti-aging products every day? Keeping a youthful glow is important to many people as they get older, but that can be hard to achieve. If someone has scarring from acne or other causes or spends a lot of time out in the sun, those marks can make them look much older and be hard to remove.

Luckily, there are many ways to remove those stubborn sun spots and scars you thought would be there forever. Laser skin rejuvenation technology can make you look younger without damaging your skin.

Figuring out which method is best for you can be tricky. This article will help you decide which laser treatment is right for you.

Carbon Dioxide Lasers

Carbon dioxide lasers have been used to treat a wide range of skin conditions for many years. If you’re suffering from sun damage and wrinkles, CO2 treatments may work well for you, removing even fine lines from your skin for a youthful glow.

These treatments work by killing off the thin, outermost layer of skin. Once that’s gone, the laser heats the underlying layers. This promotes the production of new collagen, and as you heal, you’ll see your skin look tighter, smoother, and clearer.

The healing takes a while, usually anywhere from one to two weeks, as the outer layer of skin needs time to regrow fully. You will most likely see redness and experience some itching, but the results tend to be worth it!

Erbium Lasers

Erbium lasers work similarly to CO2 lasers, destroying the outer layer of skin. However, this treatment is an improved version, with a narrower heating area. These lasers have a more focused range for destroying old and dead skin cells, meaning less skin gets burned away, allowing for a much faster healing time.

These treatments heal sun damage, remove fine lines, and much more, allowing you to have youthful skin at any age.


Ultherapy is very different from CO2 and Erbium laser treatments. It uses ultrasound waves to lift and tighten the skin without damaging the outer layer. It’s entirely non-invasive and has no real downtime, as there’s no damage done to the skin.

Ultherapy removes wrinkles and lines and tightens up skin that has loosened and sagged with time. The ultrasounds promote the production of new collagen in the lower layers of the skin.

Results show in two to three months, and results last for about two years. This treatment is easily repeatable, as it only takes 30-90 minutes. The lack of recovery time means you can go about your day without issue right after the treatment.

Want to learn more about Ultherapy? Read more about it here.

Which Laser Skin Rejuvenation Treatment is Right for Me?

If you’re looking to treat discoloration, carbon dioxide lasers or erbium lasers are the way to go. The healing time takes a while, but the results are worth it.

However, if you’re looking for your laser skin rejuvenation treatment to give some extra bounce to your skin and don’t have time to sit around waiting for your face to heal, Ultherapy is your best option!

If you found this article helpful, read more from our health section for more information on skincare!

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