
How to Design a Cozy Living Room Space



You’ve probably been in your living room enough lately that you’d know if it’s a cozy space or not. The tv is huge, and your throw rug is fluffy, but something still isn’t quite right. You’re not sure how to provide a feeling of warmth. 

But how do you make a comfy living room? What do you need to create an inviting atmosphere? Not a lot goes into creating a cozy space. One or two Hygge home hacks are all you need to pull together a welcoming living room.

Coziness comes when you design a room that appeals to your senses. Touch, sight, and smell combine to make your space comforting and welcoming. Here is a list of decor ideas to make the ideal cozy living room.

Keep The World Out

“Hygge” is a Danish/Norwegian term that refers to a state of comfort and coziness. One way to create a relaxing, intimate space is to block all external disturbances. Keep the outside away from your living room.

Linen curtains are thicker cotton, and the material’s additional hardiness helps add a sense of seclusion. Technology that blends with your living room’s surroundings may also help create a sense of privacy. 

It’s easier to ignore your tv if it’s not attracting attention. Keeping your phone in “do not disturb” mode can also help relax you. Technically, the latter isn’t a decorative tip, but it can help you enjoy your surroundings. 

Add a Splash of Color 

The color white seemingly glows during the day but is less radiant at night. To create a more natural effect, you can add a warmer beige or off-white hue to the wall colors. The whiteness will seem less harsh outside of natural light.

Adding colored accessories can go a long way as well. Additional colors can break up the monotony of a room and draw the eye to certain places. The colors have to complement each other, though. 

Try to pick a scheme opposite each other on the color wheel. Green and purple can work because they’re on opposite sides of the color wheel. The difference in hue creates a sense of balance. 

Add Some Texture

Clean lines and perfect surfaces come off as sterile to many. Add a textured rug to the floor to add some tactility. Reduce the shiny surfaces in your living room with stained woods and softer pastels. 

Buy furniture made of textured fabrics instead of smooth materials like leather. Your sense of touch can add an extra dimension to your living room. Textures create a more exciting and dynamic space. 

Use Warm, Welcoming Scents

You can never go wrong with a lovely-smelling candle. Specific scents can help you get into a relaxed state of mind. The smell of fresh pine wafting through your living room space can be fantastic in the late afternoon. 

Candles or sprays can accomplish the job of transporting you outside your busy day for an hour or two. Fresh linen or lavender scents work well to help you relax. Woodsy smells feel warm and inviting. 

Want a Cozy Living Room? 

It’s not difficult to create a cozy living room. One important aspect is to keep the world out of your living room space. Another is to add some color to your surroundings. 

Textured furniture and decor create a sense of imperfection which many people may find comforting. Smell may be the most surprising factor in making a cozy living room, but the idea is to set a relaxing mood. 

If you found this article helpful or interesting, there’s plenty more like it. Browse the life section if you’re looking for other decor tips. 

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