
How to Do a Home Clean-Out


Are you feeling the overwhelming stress of a messy home? Are you trying to figure out the best way to tackle such a large project but don’t know where to start?

No one should feel uncomfortable in their own home which is why we’ve put together a quick guide to help you through the home clean-out process. By going through the following steps, you’ll end up with a house that feels like home again in no time at all!

Investigate Each Room

Before you can achieve a clean house, you first need to understand your goals for each room. What are the items that are essential to that room and which ones do you rarely use?

Go through all of the rooms in your house, including all the little closets. Write down what you’d like to achieve for every room in the house so that you have a better idea of the overall project before you start.

Don’t forget to write down any large items you’ll want to get rid of, such as old televisions or a chair you no longer like. Understanding the type of junk you’ll want to remove will help you come up with a full-fledged plan.

Put Together a Plan

Now that you have a better overview of your home, it’s time to put all of that information towards creating a plan of action. Go room by room and start with the biggest changes you’d like to achieve. Then work your way towards the smaller things.

Having a plan and a schedule breaks up a large project into more manageable pieces. It’ll feel less overwhelming!

Remove Clutter

As you begin cleaning your home, it’s important that you get rid of the clutter. It might be easy enough to stash excess clutter into a junk drawer for a while, but clutter tends to spread around if left alone too long.

If there are any items you no longer need but have sentimental value, take a photo of the item instead. You’ll still have a reference for those cherished memories without taking up a lot of valuable space in your home.

Do a Thorough Cleaning

Without clutter and mess to slow you down, it’s time to clean every inch of your home. All those nooks and crannies and hard-to-reach places will no longer diminish the appearance of your home.

Thorough cleaning isn’t always easy and it takes more time than you might have available. That’s why many homeowners turn towards house cleaning services such as the professional Buckets & Bows Maid Service. They’ll help you get a fresh start without any extra effort from you.

It’s the best way to achieve your goals without running out of energy!

A Home Clean-Out Leaves You Feeling Refreshed

A full home clean-out takes time and dedication. It’s often not a project you’ll finish in a single day, but the relief you’ll feel once it’s done will make all that work worth the effort.

A top-to-bottom home cleaning washes away excess stress!

Ready to tackle even more projects? Check out the rest of our Home section for more tips and tricks to make your next home renovation easier than ever before!

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