
How to Find the Owner of a Phone Number


Did you know that billions of spam calls hit American cell phones each month? In fact, 45% of Americans reported robocalls every day in 2021.

Spam calls continue to be on the rise because they are profitable for those on the other side of the line.

Do you want to get to the bottom of who is calling you to make sure you aren’t getting scammed by someone pretending to be from the IRS or your insurance company? If so, this is the guide for you.

Keep reading to learn how to find the owner of a phone number.

Understand the Drawbacks

When learning how to find the owner of a phone number, you should know that there are downsides to tracing.

Generally, you can figure out the location or type of phone a person is using without a paid service. However, to pull up an accurate version of the number, you’ll need to pay.

The downside to paying for a service is that you might not be able to recover a phone number. The owner of the number might request to remove their number from paid services so you can’t look it up.

Some people use a disposable phone number from to avoid being found.

You also won’t be able to find the owner of the number if it was deactivated or transferred to another individual. This means it’s possible to see an inaccurate result.

Try Using Google

The simplest way to find the owner of a phone number is to use Google. A lot of information that paid services use comes from this search engine.

You can type in the phone number and search words like “user” or “owner” after the number. In rare cases, you’ll be able to find the user without paying for a service.

What’s more likely to happen is that you’ll pull up a lot of paid services that claim they know the owner of the phone number. If you do choose to find a phone number through a paid service, use a reputable company.

You might be able to identify the owner of a phone number by searching the digits on social media. This is another free method to try before paying.

Use WhitePages

A common paid service for finding the owner of a phone number is WhitePages. You can find free information through this service like general location and whether or not the information about a number is up to date.

If you want to know the owner of the phone number, you’ll need to pay for the premium subscription. You can opt for an affordable one-month period and cancel the subscription once you find what you need.

Once you’ll pay, you’ll be able to run a reverse phone lookup.

You’re likely to see accurate data regarding a number when using this service compared to others. WhitePages keeps an up-to-date record of phone numbers in their database.

How to Find the Owner of a Phone Number Explained

Knowing how to find the owner of a phone number can come in handy for a variety of reasons. It’s important to know who has access to your number because there are a lot of scammers out there these days.

Although you most likely have to pay to find out who owns a certain number, you might get lucky with a quick Google or social media search. If not, use a reputable source like WhitePages to find what you need.

For more informative articles like this, check out the other posts on our website.

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