
How to Make Your Home More Spiritual


Spirituality is the quality of being concerned with the human spirit or soul. Spirituality is fluid. For one person, it may be tied to religion or the sense that you are part of something much more significant than yourself. For another, it may be the practice of feeling more connected with themselves. However you practice spirituality, your environment likely plays a role in your ability to live within the moment. For example, you could practice yoga, meditation, or sit in front of your own altar.

You may also want to incorporate some crystals that you’ve collected over time, a candle representing something meaningful, and spiritual objects related to ancient yogi practices. You may be perfectly capable of practicing yoga or meditating without these objects but you might find that you’re most grounded and comfortable in the space that you’ve created. You may be looking to make your home more spiritual to enhance your spirituality, or perhaps just to create an atmosphere in a new home that doesn’t quite feel like home yet. Regardless of your motivation, there are a few things that can help get you started on your spiritual home makeover.

Essential Oils


Many people are familiar with the practice of essential oil diffusion. Often, essential oil diffusers are used for both aromatherapy purposes and to create an ambiance. Some diffusers include mood lighting or incorporate natural materials like Himalayan salt rock. A popular type of essential oil is rosehip oil. Rosehip oil is a carrier oil, meaning it can be mixed with other essential oils for multipurpose use. However, its most popular usage is topical.

Rosehip oil is lightweight which means it is perfect for your face. It’s harvested from wild rose bush seeds and acts like a multivitamin for your skin. This type of oil even has rejuvenating properties and can often result in silky smooth skin, making it an excellent skincare routine addition for those who struggle with scars and blemishes. Since organic rosehip oil is a natural ingredient, it can be applied directly or mixed with fractionated coconut oil to maximize its absorption rate. Rosehip oil is ideal for wrinkles, fine lines, and other aging effects, making it an excellent alternative to retinol.


imgThere is something inherently calming and soulful about the slow burn of a candle. In religious or spiritual practices, candles can have several different meanings. For example, in some Christian and Catholic churches, cathedral candles are made of beeswax to represent the body of Jesus Christ. Candles are at the center of many religious altars and are a natural form of mood lighting with each flicker creating an ambiance that electric versions struggle to replicate. Church candles are a great addition to your home to create a better spiritual space for praying. Conversely, many people prefer to light candles for natural light during yoga or meditation practices.


imgAbove all, spirituality is found within you. The best way to feel more at home in your house and your body is to care for it. Practices as simple as taking time for yourself at the end of the day to relax can help you get in touch with your spirituality.

Taking deep breaths, practicing mindfulness, and letting go of your day can help you focus when you want to tune into yourself and your spirit. Reduce your stress so that when you look inward, you feel comfortable.

Spirituality is a beautiful concept because it’s a human experience to which nearly everyone can relate. Regardless of religion or background, people experience spirituality one way or another. Whether we worship the universe, a god, or ourselves, the sensation it produces is the same. In a world that is so vast, spirituality is a comfort. Indulge in it.

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