
How to Wash a Car on Your Driveway


Around 5 million Americans own classic cars, and many people store these vehicles over the winter to protect them. However, people also store vehicles for other reasons. 

Storing a car for the winter protects the vehicle from the harsh winter elements, but you shouldn’t store a car without preparing it. Of course, the best way to prepare it is by washing it.

Are you interested in learning how to wash a car properly before storing it? If so, here is a guide that explains the best methods for washing a car. 

Gather the Right Supplies

First, as a vehicle owner, you must gather the right supplies for washing a car. You’ll need a garden hose for this task and the following things:

  • Bucket
  • Cleaning solution
  • Hand washing mitt 
  • Towels

You can purchase a car wash kit to have all the necessary supplies you’ll need to wash your car at home. You can also buy the items individually.

Once you have all the supplies, you’ll be ready to start washing your car. Next, you can fill the bucket with warm water and add some cleaning solution. 

Start With the Wheels

One of the best car washing tips you’ll discover is to start by washing the wheels. The wheels tend to get dirtier than other parts of a vehicle. 

Therefore, you should start by scrubbing the wheels with your washing mitt. Then, if necessary, you may want to use a scrub brush to get the grease and dirt off the wheels before moving on to the next step. 

Clean the Rest of the Car

Next, you can spray water over your entire car and begin washing it with your hand mitt. You can start at the top of the car and work your way down. 

You might find areas on the vehicle that require more scrubbing, such as the front of the vehicle. Removing bugs from the front of a car is usually the most challenging part of washing a car, but you should try to remove them. 

Dry It

After washing your car, you can pull out the towels and dry it off. If the sun is out, the sun will also assist with drying it out. You can’t move on to the final step until your car is dry. 

Polish the Vehicle 

You can polish a car with car wax to protect the finish, and you should do this yearly.

Once you complete this step, you can park it in your garage. You should ensure that the parking garage door is secure and sealed before leaving it for the winter. You can look here for more information about garage doors. 

How to Wash a Car Before Storing It

As you learn how to wash a car, you’ll know the right techniques to use. If you follow these tips when washing your car, it will be protected while storing it for the winter.

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