
Seven Self-Defense Tips to Protect Yourself


At least one-third of women in America feel worried about being assaulted on a regular basis. This type of fear can have a huge impact on your quality of life on a day-to-day basis. It can leave you with feelings of severe anxiety and might stop you from doing activities that you’d otherwise enjoy.

Unfortunately, a lot of these fears exist for good reason. Violent crime in America is on the rise, with nearly 400 cases per 100,000 people. This is the highest violent crime rate we’ve seen since 2010.

While it might not be possible to avoid violence altogether, knowing how to look after yourself in a dangerous situation can make all the difference. This is where self-defense comes in.

Proper self-defense will ensure that you can escape a threatening situation as safely and quickly as possible. Having this knowledge can also make you feel more confident on a daily basis. So what are you waiting for?

Read on to find out seven great self-defense tips to help you out of a tight spot.

1. Carry an Alarm System

Often assailants will target people in places or at times when they do not think they will get caught. This is why alarm systems are such an important part of self-defense. They can be enough to deter an attacker altogether.

There are lots of different alarm systems that you can carry, such as whistles or keychain sirens.

Most smartphones also come with emergency alarm systems that you can activate with the click of a button. So make sure you look into your options before heading out and don’t be afraid to use your alarm if you feel in danger.

2. Limit Distractions When Out and About

Being aware of the danger around you can also help to keep you safe. If there is a threat nearby, the sooner you spot it the more time you will have to react to it.

This is why you should limit distractions while you are out by yourself. For example, you shouldn’t listen to loud music while out and about or spend too much time staring down at your phone.

3. Get Familiar With the Body’s Pressure Points

If you do become aware of a threat or get attacked then knowing how to escape quickly is vital. Knowing the body’s pressure points will help you to weaken an attacker’s grip so that you can run away.

Areas that you should target include a person’s:

  • Eyes
  • Nose
  • Neck
  • Groin
  • Knee

Striking or kicking these body parts with a single forceful blow should be enough to knock your attacker off-guard so that you can escape. If you can’t use your hands for any reason then biting your attacker can also shock them into releasing you.

4. Book a Self-Defense Class

These physical techniques for escaping dangerous situations should be enough to help you evade one attacker. However, if you want to learn more then it’s a good idea to book in for self-defense classes.

These will teach you more than the basics when it comes to looking after yourself and how to defend yourself without getting hurt. Martial arts classes, such as Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Muay Thai, and Krav Maga, are also great for learning defensive techniques.

5. Look for Everyday Weapons

If you have the time to grab a weapon before your attack then this can help you to fight off your assailant. This doesn’t mean you have to be carrying a weapon per se — everyday objects can quickly become weapons when used defensively.

Try to avoid larger objects that could be easily stolen and used against you. Keys, pens, hairspray, or perfume can also be used against your attacker to alarm and evade them. If you carry pepper spray with you then this will obviously help to knock an attacker out while you get away from them.

6. Look into Self-Defense Weapons

If you are really worried about your safety then you may want to look into carrying a self-defense weapon. You should only do this if you find a weapon that you would feel confident using in the event of an attack.

Remember that self-defense guns and self-defense knives could be used against you if your attacker gets control of them. Because of this, opt for a smaller weapon, like a belly gun, that is difficult to grab and can be used to maim rather than kill.

If you don’t feel comfortable carrying a knife or gun, then a self-defense keychain and pepper spray can also help to keep you safe.

7. Get Away From a Dangerous Situation Quickly

The most important rule of self-defense is to get away from danger as quickly and safely as possible. This means that you shouldn’t fight off an attacker more than you have to, even if they have stolen your property.

If you are concerned about a potential attacker, try to stay in busy, well-lit places and tell someone about your concerns. Ideally, this should be a security guard or police officer.

If you have escaped an attack then try to find other people quickly and report your attack to the police as soon as possible. These are the only people who should go after your attacker. So remain in a place where you feel safe until they arrive and try to stay aware of other potential threats.

Keep Yourself Safe With These Self-Defense Tips

As you can see, when it comes to self-defense there are a lot of ways that you can prepare to protect yourself. Hopefully, you’ll never have to use these tips. But keeping them in mind will help you to get yourself out of a dangerous situation quickly and safely.

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