
Suing for Injuries From Auto Accidents: What You Need to Know


Did you know you can get more compensation for a car accident injury if you pursue a lawsuit?

Each year, 4.4 million people suffer injuries from auto accidents in the United States. On average, the injured parties pay thousands of dollars to recover. Some even need to take time off from work, putting financial strain on their families.

Insurance companies are supposed to cover the costs of car accident injuries. Yet, people often struggle to get insurance companies to pay enough money to cover their expenses. That’s why you need to file a lawsuit; so you can better cover your financial needs.

But there are a few things you need to know first. We’ll get into them below, so keep reading to learn more!

Call a Lawyer as Soon as Possible

When you suffer injuries from auto accidents, you need to call an attorney as soon as possible.

In fact, it’s best to call a lawyer right after the accident happens. First, lawsuits often take months, if not years. The sooner you start, the quicker you’ll get the money you need.

Second, most states have a statute of limitations on car accident injuries. You only have a certain window of time in which you can file a lawsuit.

In most cases, the statute of limitations is around 2 years. So, if you’re calling sometime after the accident happened, you don’t necessarily need to worry. Just make sure you check the law in your local jurisdiction so you know when you need to file your case.

Research Your Options

Not every car accident injury lawyer will serve as the best choice for you, though. A good lawyer will know how to assemble evidence for your case and have experience presenting it in front of the court.

They’ll know how to negotiate with insurance companies and advise you on settlement offers. They’ll also have experience navigating the legal process.

So, you should choose your attorney in a careful manner. To get started, do a quick Google search of the lawyers who practice in your area. Make sure they specialize in car accident injuries. Then, look at how much money they have earned clients in the past. Usually, the attorneys advertise this amount on their websites.

You should also look at reviews from former clients. You can find these on third-party sites, such as Google or Yelp.

Finally, most car accident attorneys offer free, obligation-free consultations. These meetings allow you to meet the attorney, share the details of your case, and decide if you want to work with them. The lawyer will also let you know whether you have a case they can take on.

Make Sure You’ll Actually Work with the Lawyer

Before you agree to work with an attorney, make sure you’ll actually be represented by that lawyer in court.

Often, larger firms will pass cases off to other lawyers. This allows them to take on more clients. Yet, you should always be aware of who will work on your case. During your consultation, ask the attorney whether they commonly give cases to other members of their team.

Start Documenting Everything

To win your lawsuit, your attorney will need to establish that the other driver’s actions brought about your injuries. As such, they’ll need to present proof of these iypes of injuries.

The final amount of money you receive may also get impacted by how much you pay for your medical treatments. So, you should start documenting everything. Take pictures of your injuries as soon as you can. Keep copies of your medical records and bills.

You should also consider signing a release of information form. Doctors keep patient information confidential and cannot share information with a third party without the patient’s consent. Your lawyer may wish to interview your doctor, though.

Signing a release of information form gives your doctor permission to discuss your condition with your attorney.

Prepare to Have the Situation Investigated

Investigations happen in two different stages. First, your attorney will investigate your case to see if they think it qualifies for a lawsuit. This happens before the case gets filed with the court.

If they do think you should sue, they will file the case and wait for the other party’s response. Then, the case will enter another investigation phase. Both parties will look into what happened and interview witnesses. Your attorney may also want to interview you.

Whenever possible, you should acquiesce to interview requests. Reliving your accident might seem distressing, but these interviews bolster your chances of getting the compensation you deserve. If you’re having mental health difficulties following your accident, you’re not alone.

Some therapists specialize in helping people recover from the trauma of living through an accident. Seeking mental health treatment can help the investigation process become easier.

Not All Cases Go to Court

Finally, you should keep in mind that not every car accident injury claim goes to court. In fact, the vast majority of cases settle outside of court.

The other party can make a settlement offer at any point in the process. Each time you receive an offer, your attorney will advise you on whether you should take it. If you accept a settlement, the case will conclude. If you reject it, both parties will continue to investigate.

A case only goes to court if the two sides do not settle within a specific period of time. In these instances, both parties show up to court, and their lawyers make their legal arguments. A judge then decides if the insurance company owes the defendant a certain amount of money.

Ready to Get Money for Your Injuries from Auto Accidents?

Now that you’ve read this article, you’re ready to get the money you deserve.

Injuries from auto accidents can cause extensive problems if not treated as soon as possible. As such, you shouldn’t wait until you receive your lawsuit settlement to get treatment. Work with your medical insurance company and/or physician’s office to find the most affordable options.

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