
The Amazing Effects of Hot Water on Skin


Do you like taking a relaxing, long hot shower at the end of your workday? The feeling of hot water on skin can do wonders for the mind and body, but is it all good?

While it’s true most people crave a hot shower in the morning or before bed, it’s good to understand what this kind of steamy endeavor is doing to your body.

Want to know how hot water on skin helps? Keep reading! We’ll walk you through the pros and cons so you can decide your shower temperatures from here on out.

The Effect of Hot Water on Skin

Most things we love, like hot showers, have their pros and cons. The benefits of hot water on your skin go beyond simply loosening you up after a stressful day, though.

Showering in hot water helps open up the pores of the skin. Opening the pores can help clean out trapped dirt and oil that might’ve gotten caught throughout your day.

Hot showers are also great for relaxation. The hot water can soothe muscle fatigue and spread a sense of peace and calmness across your body. A hot shower before bed is great for a good night’s sleep.

Having a nice hot shower when you have a cold can also loosen and phlegm that may be caught in your chest, and it opens up airways, potentially making it easier to breathe.

What Are the Negative Effects of Hot Water on Skin?

Despite the benefits of hot showers, you may also see some damage from hot water on your skin.

Hot water on your skin can cause it to dry out and become itchy. It can also exacerbate conditions like eczema, rosacea, and more. This happens because the hot water can cause damage to your skin cells and strip the natural oils that are good for your skin.

If you are interested in learning more about how your skin may react to hot water, you can always reach out and discover dermatology at Juva Skin. These types of places can help you determine your level of sensitivity and if hot showers will help or hinder you.

Now You Know the Pros and Cons of Hot Water on Skin

It’s no secret that hot water on skin can feel fantastic. It loosens the muscles, can help you breathe easier, and some say it can even keep blemishes away.

Having long hot showers is not without its consequences, though! Keep an eye on any skin conditions and speak with a dermatologist if you have any questions about what hot showers are doing for your skin.

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