
Tips That Can Help You in Transitioning Your Dog into Raw Feeding


The foundation of a raw dog food diet is a commitment to giving a wide range of foods over time. However, throughout the adjusting phase, you need to begin by feeding single meat sources separately for a week or longer. You will be able to look out for any food allergies and see which kind of meat your dog prefers. We suggest that you start by feeding high-quality game meat that is easy to digest during the first week of the changeover. Later, you can switch things up by feeding them something new every day. Keep in mind that a changeover is something that develops over a few weeks, not overnight. We have prepared sine tips that can help in the transitioning phase.

Tips That Can Help You in Transitioning Your Dog into Raw Feeding.

  1. Serve at room temperature.

Your dog may become suspicious if you set a bowl of food in front of it that seems completely new. Your dog may be wary of eating anything that looks or smells questionable, even if it has a pleasant aroma. The dish will be more appetizing if you let it rest at room temperature for 30 minutes before serving. This will also improve the aroma in addition to improving the flavor.

  • Let your dog see its food while eating.

Although some dogs may be okay with eating out of a deep dish, others may need to see their food before they eat it. Put the raw dog meal in a shallow bowl to reassure your dog that it’s safe to eat.

  • Try one raw treat at a time.

No matter how you choose to transition your dog to a raw food diet, you should expect a period of adjustment. Your dog may stop eating as much if it is in pain or distress. For this reason, it’s crucial to feed your dog just one kind of protein for the first week and maybe longer if diarrhea persists. Leaner meats like chicken and turkey make good starting points. Giving your dog a week to acclimate to each new meat source is recommended. After a few months on a raw food diet, you’ll be able to switch up its daily meat intake.

  • Avoid expressing concern.

Be unfazed if your dog still refuses to eat her raw food even after you’ve tried everything suggested here. Some dogs may refuse their food or treats in an effort to get your attention. They’ll come around once they realize it’s either this raw treat or nothing. Remember that your dog can sense when you’re worried.

In conclusion, choosing high-quality foods is essential for a successful raw food diet transition. Enjoy more quality time with your dog by feeding it a species-appropriate diet instead of spending time figuring out what to give it and worrying about vitamin inadequacies.

We Deliver the Finest Raw Pet Diets.

Here at Houston Raw Pet Food, we know how much you love your dog or cat, so we stock our shelves with only the finest pet supplies. Our team is concerned about any pet’s well-being. That is why our raw meals are properly handled.     

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