
Top 3 Signs You Should Consider Getting Dentures


Over 41.23 million Americans use dentures. 36 million have no teeth at all, and 120 million have lost at least 1 tooth.

Seeing the benefits of dentures makes it clear why they’re one of the most common solutions to this problem. They increase your confidence and hide the imperfections in your smile. They’re also an important way to protect your oral health because they reduce toothaches and digestion problems, prevent dum disease, and more.

Getting a new smile is still an important decision, and you may be wondering, “should I get dentures?” Read on to learn 3 signs that it may be time.

1. Toothaches

Untreated tooth decay is the most common oral health condition with over 2 billion sufferers worldwide. It causes pain because it damages and put pressure on the nerves.

Your dentist may be able to fix the affected tooth with a filling, but it may be impactful enough to need to be removed. At this point, they may recommend partial dentures. They’ll reduce the pressure on your remaining teeth.

2. Gum Disease

47.2% of adults 30 years or older have gum disease, and 701.% of those 65 years old or older have it. It’s one of the leading causes of tooth loss.

If you have gum disease, consider getting dentures. This is especially true if it’s already caused you to lose a tooth or have one that’s become infected and needs to be removed. A missing tooth leaves your gums open for infection and disease.

If you’re not sure if you have gum disease, look for the symptoms it causes. They include bleeding or painful gums, bad breath, and pain when chewing your food. They all hint that you may need to go to the dentist as soon as possible.

3. Difficulty Eating/Indigestion

Missing or cracked teeth, cavities, and gum disease can make it difficult to eat. This may cause you to suffer from frequent stomachaches and indigestion.

One of the most underappreciated denture benefits is that they allow you to chew your food thoroughly. This helps it go through your digestive tract and reduces any pain you may have been experiencing. You’ll also get a more balanced diet because you’ll eat a wider variety of food.

Seeing your dentist regularly is the best way to keep all your teeth. They can also help you know when to get dentures and how to choose the right ones. If you need more information, click for more on overdentures and what they can do for you.

More Tips for Getting Dentures

Gum disease affects your entire mouth and can cause you to lose teeth, and a toothache is a sign that one may need to be removed. Poor oral health may also affect your ability to chew and digest your food.

If you have these symptoms, it may be time to consider getting dentures. They’ll give you a better-looking smile and, while they’re essential when you’ve lost all your teeth, can also protect the ones that you still have.

Read the rest of our content for more tips on maintaining your oral health.

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