
Top Tips About Personal Hygiene Every Woman Should Know



In India, discussing vaginal hygiene is taboo, the same as discussing menstruation. Many women still avoid discussing or giving advice on how to practice good feminine hygiene. To maintain your genitalia clean and your reproductive system in good shape, it is crucial to understand the importance of vaginal hygiene. There are a few basic vaginal hygiene guidelines that every woman, regardless of age, should be aware of!

What is personal hygiene?

Personal hygiene for the majority of individuals consists of mundane chores like brushing, flossing, bathing, and deodorizing. That’s it. But maintaining good personal hygiene goes beyond avoiding unpleasant bodily odors and poor breath.

Particular attention should be paid to feminine hygiene practices as a woman. A word of warning, though: research shows that the majority of feminine personal hygiene products are almost completely unneeded since the chemicals they contain are harmful rather than beneficial. A few very basic care procedures are what the vagina requires.

Ways to keep your hygiene good

  • One of the first and most important pieces of advice that come to mind when I think about personal hygiene is to always wear clean clothes. If you don’t wash your clothes every day, they could become a source of pollution and a carrier of germs. Therefore, be sure to wash them every day. Additionally, put on a new set of clothes each day. This also entails replacing your underwear and innerwear, which, if left untouched, can turn into a dangerous germ-breeding ground. Sweat that can result in significant skin conditions is also present in clothing. As a result, be sure never to wear clothing that is dirty, wrinkled, or has a terrible smell.
  • For the rest of your body, soap and water could be plenty, but your privates require much more. The pH balance of your privates can be upset by soaps produced from chemicals like glycerol and added scents in any situation, which can cause itchiness and dangerous bacterial infections. Males and women have distinct pH levels; while women must maintain a pH level between 3.5 and 4.5, men have a pH level between 5 and 5.5. Intimate wash products of the highest caliber, dermatologist-tested, are the way to go. Using intimate wash products produced from natural ingredients such as VWash aids in preserving beneficial bacteria and getting rid of bad ones. To save yourself, put down the rose-scented soap bar and choose a natural alternative. You can use VWash feminine wash for your intimate hygiene. It is free from all sorts of chemicals and thus, does not offer you any itchiness but, only comfort.
  • It is usually advised to stay away from wearing constricting clothing and to keep to airy, breathable undergarments, ideally made of cotton with matching crotch linings. If you work out in tight clothing, such as spandex or synthetic trousers, avoid wearing them for too long and change them right away. Otherwise, perspiration might cause vaginal infections. For daily use, put on clean underwear made of cotton. After engaging in a sport or other physical activity, be careful to change your clothes and underwear since they could become sweaty.
  • Ladies, ladies, ladies, just because the jet spray is an expedient cleaning method doesn’t imply it’s the best method for cleaning your private areas. The delicate skin below may be adversely affected by the water pressure and water quality. Avoid using jet sprays while cleaning your private areas; instead, be delicate and careful.


So, you see, these are some tips to help you keep your hygiene good. These activities are day-to-day steps to get rid of vaginal issues and keep your body healthy. In addition, you can use Vwash for better results. 


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