
Why Do Muscles Hurt After Working Out?


The benefits of exercising do not just end with weight loss. Working out has a host of mental, physical, and psychological advantages that contribute to your well-being.

If you have been living a sedentary lifestyle or waiting for the ‘right’ moment to sign up for a gym, now is a perfect time. But even so, there are always going to be a few kinks and muscle pain that may deter you from continuing.

Before you call it quits and go back to the sofa, let us take a quick moment to tell you why do muscles hurt after working out.

The Science Behind Why Do Muscles Hurt After Working Out

From the time we finish our last rep until the ache subsides, muscle soreness can plague us for days. Understanding the science behind this post-workout phenomenon can help us minimize the discomfort and get back to the gym sooner.

The pain of Delayed-Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) is a result of tiny tears in the muscle fibers. When we challenge our muscles with a new or intense workout, these tears occur.

In response to the injury, our body ramps up inflammation to repair the muscle. This process is what causes the pain and stiffness associated with DOMS.

While there is no way to completely avoid DOMS, there are things we can do to minimize its effects. Warm-ups and stretches before our workout can help prevent some muscle damage. And, choosing workout intensity and volume wisely can also reduce the risk of developing this type of muscle soreness.

The Benefits of Sore Muscles

One benefit of muscle soreness is that it can provide a person with feedback about their workout. When a person’s muscles are sore, they know that they worked them hard enough to possibly see results.

Additionally, this person may be more likely to stick with their workout routine if they are feeling soreness because they know it is working. Finally, some people find that the discomfort of working out provides them with a sense of satisfaction. They feel a sense of achievement when they are able to push through the soreness and perceive their muscles as stronger because of it.

Discomfort vs. Pain

There is a big difference between discomfort and pain. Discomfort is a normal and expected response to new activities, minor injuries, or uncomfortable situations. It’s the “ouch” you feel when you stub your toe or the localized soreness you experience after a workout.

While discomfort can be unpleasant, it’s usually not severe enough to stop you from continuing with your day-to-day activities. Pain is much more intense and can significantly interfere with your ability to function.

With the recent advancement in health technology, researchers are always in search of improving endurance for physical training and correcting fatty acid imbalances. Learn more about this here

No Pain No Gain

Knowing the reasons why do muscles hurt after working out will help you continue your workout routine. Remember that after a strenuous workout, muscles may ache for a day or two.

This is known as Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS). This is caused by microscopic tears in the muscle fibers.

The best way to reduce muscle soreness is to warm up before working out and cool down and stretch afterward. Massage can also help to loosen tight muscles and improve circulation.

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